Podcast Episodes

Slopworld w/ Brace Belden and Liz Franczak

Featuring TrueAnon hosts Brace Belden and Liz Franczak on our freakish and reactionary tech oligarchy. Musk and friends built a technological infrastructure that has warped everyone’s minds, including their own. …

Psychiatric Struggle w/ Danielle Carr

Featuring Danielle Carr on the history and present state of American unwellness and how that’s been shaped by psychiatry, prescription drugs, neuroscience, popular culture, smartphones and social media. We trace …

Deportation Nation w/ Chris Newman

Featuring Chris Newman on Trump’s far-right anti-migrant agenda and Democrats’ cruel and stupid complicity. Read All-American Nativism versobooks.com/products/704-all-american-nativism Read Dan’s essay on Gaza and migration politics in n+1 nplusonemag.com/issue-48/politics/do-border Trump’s …

Building the Union w/ Hannah Srajer

Featuring Hannah Srajer on building tenant unions by applying labor organizing models. The Connecticut Tenants Union is partnered with SEIU 1199NE to organize fighting super majority tenant unions that win …

Policing the Crisis w/ Michael Denning

Featuring Michael Denning on Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order, collectively authored by Stuart Hall and his colleagues at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at …

Stuart Hall’s Marxism w/ Michael Denning

Featuring Michael Denning on Stuart Hall’s Marxism—a Marxism without guarantees. This is a comprehensive introduction to Marxism as a method to analyze historically specific, complex and contradictory capitalist social formations, …

Assassin Nation w/ Patrick Blanchfield

Featuring Patrick Blanchfield on assassination and political violence: from the routine to the extraordinary; authored by the state, capital, the left, the right, the unwell and alienated; as an anxiety, …